Picture: Ova Prima logo Text: The Ova Prima Foundation

Picture: Education logo

Picture: Partnerships in Lifelong Learning The Ova Prima Foundation is a proud participant in Partnerships in Lifelong Learning, a national coalition of schools, businesses, and non-profit organizations dedicated to the development of effective school/community partnerships for the promotion of lifelong learning skills for children.

In partnership with professional education associations, the Ova Prima Foundation is pleased to offer these resources for teachers:

2016-2018 Ova Prima Teacher Workshops

Ova Prima Lesson Plans Databank


Picture: Olderhostel flag Olderhostel is a non-profit educational organization which has been offering high-quality educational adventures in learning for the older adult since 1947. 

Working with the faculty at the Ova Prima Foundation, Olderhostel has developed a challenging and exciting curriculum in ovaprimatological studies.  There are courses in all disciplines, from hard science to performance art. 

And whether you want to travel the world or study at home, there is an Ova Prima/Olderhostel course for you!

Please see the Course Catalog for full course descriptions and information regarding tuition, registration, and accommodations.

 Contact Us!

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All material copyrighted by the Ova Prima Foundation © 1998